Muzland - аккорды

John Newman
Come and Get It (live)



Аккорды для укулеле

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© Подбор аккордов: Михаил Очерет // специалист (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 109 ударов в минуту

Lyrics and Music by John Newman, Gregory Kurstin
Live at the Lynx Black Space, London

Intro: Em7  } 4 times

            Em7    D
I have been crazy,
                  A      D A
But that’s just alright, alright,
       D    Em7     D
I have been lonely,
                  A      D A
But that’s just alright, alright.

My feelings I don’t
Em                  D Em
Hide them, hide them, hide them
Inside they keep on
Burning, burning, burning,
     Hm       D
Your feelings you shouldn’t
Hide them, hide them, hide them
From me.
Nah-na-na, oh, no, come on.

   Em                                   D
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   Em                                   A
     Come and get it if you really need it,
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   A                        D      A
     Come and get it if you really need it.

   Em                                   D
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   Em                                   A
     Come and get it if you really need it,
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   A                        D      A       Em D
     Come and get it if you really need it.

Em          Em7             D
I have been so unfortunate,
                  A      D A
But that’s just alright, alright.
       D    Em7                D
I have been treated so badly baby,
                  A      D A
But that’s just alright, alright.

My feelings I don’t
Em                  D Em
Hide them, hide them, hide them
Inside they keep on
Burning, burning, burning,
     Hm       D
Your feelings you shouldn’t
Em                  D Em
Hide them, hide them, hide them
From me.
Nah-na-na, oh, no, come on.

   Em                                   D
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   Em                                   A
     Come and get it if you really need it,
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   A                        D      A
     Come and get it if you really need it.

   Em                                   D
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   Em                                   A
     Come and get it if you really need it,
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   A                        D      A
     Come and get it if you really need it.

 Em                          D
   Every man has been broken
 Hm                     D
   And every woman too,
   The reason I think
   I’m something special, babe,
 Hm                             A
   Is ‘cause I was never broken by you.

   Em                                   D
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   Em                                   A
     Come and get it if you really need it,
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   A                        D      A
     Come and get it if you really need it.

   Em                                   D
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   Em                                   A
     Come and get it if you really need it,
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   A                        D      A
     Come and get it if you really need it.

   Em                                   D
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   Em                                   A
     Come and get it if you really need it,
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   A                        D      A
     Come and get it if you really need it.

   Em                                   D
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   Em                                   A
     Come and get it if you really need it,
     Come and get it if you really want it,
   A                        D      A
     Come and get it if you really need it.

Посмотреть аппликатуры для укулеле

Em7 для укулеле
D для укулеле
A для укулеле
Em для укулеле
Hm для укулеле


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Статистика Опубликовано 12.10.15
Просмотрено 19106 раз
Транспонировано 31700 раз
John Newman - ещё песни с аккордами
  1. Muzland
  2. J
  3. John Newman
  4. Come and Get It (live) (укулеле)