Muzland - аккорды

The Scientist


К этой песне есть ноты

Аккорды для укулеле

    • Медленно
    • Средне
    • Быстро
  • Автопрокрутка

© Подбор аккордов: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 143 удара в минуту

Lyrics and Music by Guy Berryman,
Jon Buckland, Will Champion and Chris Martin

Intro: Dm7 | Bb | F | Fsus2  } 2 times

Dm7          Bb                    F
Come up to meet you, tell you I’m sorry,
                     Fsus2      Dm7
You don’t know how lovely you are.
          Bb                    F
I had to find you, tell you I need you,
                   Fsus2    C   Dm7
And tell you I’ll set you apart.

              Bb                        F
Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions,
                 Fsus2     C   Dm7
Oh, let’s go back to the start.
            Bb                 F
Running in circles, coming in tails,
                   Fsus2 C   Bb
Heads are a science apart.

  Bb                       F
     Nobody said it was easy.
                    Fsus2          Bb
     It’s such a shame for us to part,
     Nobody said it was easy.
                C             Fsus2    C
     Noone ever said it would be this hard.
     Oh, take me back to the start.

Instrumental: F | Bb | F | F
              Dm7 | Bb | F | Fsus2

I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart.
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart.

Tell me you love me, and come back and haunt me,
Oh, when I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing tails
Coming aback as we are.

     Nobody said it was easy.
     Oh, it’s such a shame for us to part,
     Nobody said it was easy.
     Noone ever said it would be so hard.
     I’m going back to the start.

Instrumental: F | Bb | F | F
              Dm7 | Bb | F | F  } 4 times
              Dm7 | Bb | F

Посмотреть аппликатуры для укулеле

Dm7 для укулеле
Bb для укулеле
F для укулеле
Fsus2 для укулеле
C для укулеле

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Статистика Опубликовано 09.09.11
Просмотрено 224209 раз
Транспонировано 111534 раза
Coldplay - ещё песни с аккордами
  1. Muzland
  2. C
  3. Coldplay
  4. The Scientist (укулеле)