Muzland - аккорды

John Lundvik
Too Late For Love



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© Cоставитель: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 105 ударов в минуту

Lyrics and Music by John Lundvik, Anderz Wrehov, Andreas Stone Johansson
Швеция / Евровидение 2019

How you’ve been?
I wonder, do you ever think of me?
Am I wrong
To wonder if it could be you and me?

   Is it too late for love?
   Is it too late for love?
   I wanna know.
   Is it too late for love?
   I can’t take no more,
   Is it?

     I could be the sun that lights your dark
     And maybe I would lit your world
     With just one spark.
     I could make it burn for you and me,
     If I could be there,
     I would be there.

     Hear me,
     I could be the sun that lights your dark.
     Is it too late for love?
     Is it too late for love?
     Hear me,
     I could make it burn for you and me.

Days came and went,
But nothing ever really felt the same,
‘Cause you
Left a space
Where everything reminds me of your face.

   Is it too late for love?
   Is it too late for love?
   I wanna know.

     I could be the sun that lights your dark
     And maybe I would lit your world
     With just one spark.
     I could make it burn for you and me,
     If I could be there,
     I would be there.

     Hear me,
     I could be the sun that lights your dark.
     Is it too late for love?
     Oh, no.
     Is it too late for love?
     Hear me,
     I could make it burn for you and me.
     Is it too late for love?
     No, no.
     Is it too late for love?

   We could be a storm that rages on
   And maybe we would own the ocean carry on.

     I could be the sun that lights your dark
     And maybe I would lit your world
     With just one spark.
     I could make it burn for you and me,
     If I could be there,
     I would be there.

     Hear me,
     I could be the sun that lights your dark.
     Is it too late for love?
     Is it too late for love?
     Is it too late for love?
     But is it too late for love?
     Is it?

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Статистика Опубликовано 19.03.16
Просмотрено 15707 раз
Транспонировано 25861 раз

  1. Muzland
  2. J
  3. John Lundvik
  4. Too Late For Love (текст)
  1. Muzland
  2. Е
  3. Евровидение — конкурс песни
  4. Too Late For Love (текст)