Muzland - аккорды

Major Lazer
Lean On



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© Cоставитель: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 98 ударов в минуту

Lyrics and Music by Karen Marie Ørsted, William Gigahcine, Thomas Pentz and Philip Meckseper
feat. MØ and DJ Snake

Do you recall, not long ago,
We would walk on the sidewalk.
Innocent, remember?
All we did was care for each other.

But the night was warm,
We were bold and young.
All around the wind blows,
We would only hold on to let go.

     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     We all need someone to lean on.
     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     All we need is somebody to lean on.

     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     We will need someone to lean on.
     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     All we need is somebody to lean on.

What will we do when we get old?
Will we walk down the same road?
Will you be there by my side?
Standing strong as the waves roll over.

But the nights are long,
Longing for you to come home.
All around the wind blows,
We would only hold on to let go.

     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     We all need someone to lean on.
     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     All we need is somebody to lean on.

     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     We will need someone to lean on.
     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     All we need is somebody to lean on.
     All we need is somebody to lean on.
     All we need is somebody to lean on.

     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     We all need someone to lean on.
     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     All we need is somebody to lean on.

     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     We will need someone to lean on.
     Blow a kiss, fire a gun,
     All we need is somebody to lean on.

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Статистика Опубликовано 26.08.17
Просмотрено 20398 раз
Транспонировано 26888 раз
Major Lazer - ещё песни с аккордами
  1. Muzland
  2. M
  3. Major Lazer
  4. Lean On (текст)