Muzland - аккорды



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© Cоставитель: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 90 ударов в минуту

Lyrics and Music by Stig Rästa, Vallo Kikas, Fred Krieger
Эстония / Евровидение 2016

It’s getting late and be that as it may,
I turn to you, I turn to you.
We might seem so obvious to me,
But not to you, not to you.

   We ain’t got all night
   To find out what is right,
   So let’s go undecided till we know.
   The only way to go
   Is let your feelings show,
   See all your walls come down
   And just hit

     ‘Cause that’s the only way
     To find out if it’s love
     That we’re falling, we’re falling into.

     I didn’t know what to do,
     But now I’m good as new,
     ‘Cause I’m stronger, much stronger
     With you.

Some might say it’s an ordinary day,
But not for me, not for me.
If you feel your senses disagree,
Bare with me, bare with me.

   We ain’t got all night
   To find out what is right,
   So let’s go undecided till we know.
   It’s the only way to see
   If we were meant to be,
   Let all your walls come down
   And just hit

     ‘Cause that’s the only way
     To find out if it’s love
     That we’re falling, we’re falling into.

     I didn’t know what to do,
     But now I’m good as new,
     ‘Cause I’m stronger, much stronger
     With you.

Some might say it’s an ordinary day,
But not for me, but not for me.
And I hit

     (‘Cause that’s the only way)
     (To find out) if it’s love
     That we’re falling into, into.

     I didn’t know what to do,
     But now I’m good as new,
     ‘Cause I’m stronger, much stronger
     With you.


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Статистика Опубликовано 10.04.16
Просмотрено 21796 раз
Транспонировано 30306 раз

  1. Muzland
  2. J
  3. Jüri Pootsmann
  4. Play (текст)
  1. Muzland
  2. Е
  3. Евровидение — конкурс песни
  4. Play (текст)