Muzland - аккорды

Live Forever



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© Cоставитель: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 90 ударов в минуту

Lyrics and Music by Noel Gallagher

Maybe I don’t really want to know
How your garden grows,
‘Cause I just want to fly.
Lately did you ever feel the pain
In the morning rain
As it soaks you to the bone?

     Maybe I just want to fly,
     I want to live, I don’t want to die,
     Maybe I just want to breathe,
     Maybe I just don’t believe.
     Maybe you’re the same as me,
     We see things they’ll never see,
     You and I are gonna live forever.

I said, maybe I don’t really want to know
How your garden grows,
‘Cause I just want to fly.
Lately did you ever feel the pain
In the morning rain
As it soaks you to the bone?

     Maybe I will never be
     All the things that I want to be.
     But now is not the time to cry,
     Now’s the time to find out why,
     I think you’re the same as me,
     We see things they’ll never see,
     You and I are gonna live forever.

Maybe I don’t really want to know
How your garden grows,
‘Cause I just want to fly.
Lately did you ever feel the pain
In the morning rain
As it soaks you to the bone?

     Maybe I just want to fly,
     I want to live, I don’t want to die,
     Maybe I just want to breathe,
     Maybe I just don’t believe.
     Maybe you’re the same as me,
     We see things they’ll never see,
     You and I are gonna live forever.

     Gonna live forever,
     Gonna live forever,
     Gonna live forever,
     Gonna live forever,
     Gonna live forever,
     Gonna live forever.

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Статистика Опубликовано 08.06.17
Просмотрено 22502 раза
Транспонировано 33933 раза
Oasis - ещё песни с аккордами
  1. Muzland
  2. O
  3. Oasis
  4. Live Forever (текст)