Muzland - аккорды

Dirty Bourbon River Show



Точный текст песни

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© Cоставитель: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 123 удара в минуту

Lyrics and Music by Noah Adams

There she blows
The rabbit, the hole
Out of control,
Still in control.
Powder your nose
With a Benjamin hose.
Your mama,
She don’t know.

   Oh, Ezmerelda,
   How they love you,
   Oh, Ezmerelda,
   How they love you.

It’s not coming back
The rabbit, the hat,
You sat upon that.
(You killed a cat?)
The powder him back
With a Benjamin waft.
Your mama,
She don’t ask.

   Oh, Ezmerelda,
   How they love you,
   Oh, Ezmerelda,
   How they love you.

     No, I can’t help you
     Anymore in our world
     Because you’re crazy
     Like a banshee.

The rabbit is gone,
Benjamin’s gone,
The powder is gone,
Everything’s gone,
Time to unthaw
Undo the wrong,
If mama
Only saw.

   Oh, Ezmerelda,
   How they love you,
   Oh, Ezmerelda,
   How they love you.

There she blew
Many, not few,
There was no away,
She even got you
And Stephen too.
(And Stephen too?)
If mama
Only knew.

   Oh, Ezmerelda,
   How they love you,
   Oh, Ezmerelda,
   How they love you.

     No, I can’t help you
     Anymore in our world
     Because you’re crazy
     Like a banshee.

     No, I can’t help you
     Anymore in our world
     Because you’re crazy
     Like a banshee.

     No, I can’t help you
     Anymore in our world
     Because you’re crazy
     Like a banshee.
     Because you’re crazy
     Like a banshee,
     Because you’re nuttier
     Than squirrel shit.


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Статистика Опубликовано 16.07.15
Просмотрено 17709 раз
Транспонировано 33523 раза

  1. Muzland
  2. D
  3. Dirty Bourbon River Show
  4. Ezmerelda (текст)