Muzland - аккорды



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© Cоставитель: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 115 ударов в минуту

Lyrics and Music Michael Henry Lynch and Kevin Gerard May

The road is long, you’re gonna get thrown about,
Stick to the rhythm:
Breathe it in and breathe it out.
Do what you do, there isn’t any secret,
Chop wood, draw water, roll cigarettes.

Find a lover, put a flower in her hair,
Climb a mountain,
See the mountain disappear.
Be the first to go back to the ghost town,
Break bread with the man,
That’s gonna bring you down,
Deep, deep down.

     I listen and I hear what’s said.
     I follow it from a to zed.
     But wisdom hasn’t found me yet.

You’re feeling scared, Jesus is your bodyguard.
You feel alone,
Take a look in your backyard.
Put your eye to the eye of a telescope -
The universe looks back through a microscope.

Adopt a highway, dress yourself in camel hair,
A wasted life
Is a life lived unaware.
Make a money, put it on a number eight,
Tempt fate, maybe
You’re a wheel going round,
Round and round.

     I listen and I hear what’s said.
     I follow it from a to zed.
     But wisdom hasn’t found me yet.

     I listen and I hear what’s said.
     I follow it from a to zed.
     But wisdom hasn’t found me yet.


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Статистика Опубликовано 11.12.11
Просмотрено 37019 раз
Транспонировано 41425 раз

  1. Muzland
  2. T
  3. The Guggenheim Grotto
  4. Wisdom (текст)