Muzland - аккорды

Ed Sheeran
Life Goes On



Аккорды для гитары

    • Медленно
    • Средне
    • Быстро
  • Автопрокрутка

© Подбор аккордов: Михаил Очерет // специалист (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 77 ударов в минуту

Lyrics and Music by Ed Sheeran

Intro: F Bb | F C
       F Bb | Bb C

   F          Bb                  C
It hit like a train, I ran out of words,
      F          Bb              C
I got nothing to say, everything hurts,
           F             Bb
And I know love leads to pain,
But memories serve
    F          Bb
Our sweetest refrain,
Mm, mm, mm.

    Am                    Dm
The waves came tumbling down
As you float away, I’m reaching for you

                F   Bb
     To tell me how,
                 F    C
     How my life goes on
               F         Bb
     With you gone? I suppose,
     I’ll sink like a stone.

                     F    Bb
     If you leave me now,
                    F    C
     Oh, the storms will roll,
          Dm    C    Bb  F
     Easy come, hard go,
          C         F
     Then life goes on.

Instrumental: F Bb | Bb C  } ×2

      F          Bb
Would I miss the flames?
The heated reserve,
        F            Bb
Oh, I’d remember the way
That you put me first.
       F               Bb
What a heart-wrenching shame,
That you’ll never know,
          F            Bb
Just like tears in the rain,
Mm, mm, mm

  Am                     Dm
A constant grey in the clouds,
When I hear your name, I think of love,

                F    Bb
     So tell me how,
                 F    C
     How my life goes on
               F         Bb
     With you gone? I suppose,
     I’ll sink like a stone.

                     F    Bb
     If you leave me now,
                    F    C
     All the storms will roll,
          Dm    C    Bb F
     Easy come, hard go,
          C         F   Bb
     Then life goes on.
           C          F     Bb
     Ah, yeah, life goes on.
     Ah, yeah.

  Am                      Dm
I watched the sun setting down,
I am so afraid, I need you now

                F    Bb
     To tell me how,
                 F    C
     How my life goes on
               F         Bb
     With you gone? I suppose,
     I’ll sink like a stone.

                     F    Bb
     If you leave me now,
                    F    C
     All the storms will roll,
          Dm    C    Bb F
     Easy come, hard go,
          C         F
     Then life goes on.

          Dm    C    Bb F
     Easy come, hard go,
          C         F
     Then life goes on.

Посмотреть аппликатуры аккордов

F для гитары
Bb для гитары
C для гитары
Am для гитары
Dm для гитары

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Статистика Опубликовано 27.07.23
Просмотрено 5903 раза
Транспонировано 10338 раз
Ed Sheeran - ещё аккорды на букву "L"
  1. Muzland
  2. E
  3. Ed Sheeran
  4. Life Goes On (гитара)