Muzland - аккорды



Аккорды для гитары

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© Подбор аккордов: Михаил Очерет // специалист (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 146 ударов в минуту

Lyrics and Music by Lise Cabble, Jakob Schack Glæsner
Дания / Евровидение 2011

             C             Em7
     Come on boys, come on girls
             Am7          Em7
     In this crazy, crazy world,
                F                    C
     You're the diamonds, you're the pearls,
                  Dm7          G       C
     Let's make a new tomorrow, today.

Wake up, slow down,
Do nothing right now.
Breathe in, breathe out,
Did we forget how
To live, to dream?
And what it all means,
It's like we don't care.

Who's hot, who's not,
Who's got the right up -
Side down to night,
Tomorrow you're out
Of time, of style,
You're back in the line,
  Dm7          G         G7
A race to nowhere.

     Come on boys, come on girls
     In this crazy, crazy world,
     You're the diamonds, you're the pearls,
                  Dm            G
     Let's make a new tomorrow.

     Come on girls, come on boys,
     It's your future, it's your choice
     And your weapon is your voice,
                  Dm           G       C
     Let's make a new tomorrow, today.

Turn left, turn right,
Don't make up your mind,
Your way to fame
Is all in vain,
You get in the spot,
Then you run out of luck,
       Dm7        G
You're going nowhere.

          C      G  Am7 G F    G
   We can change it all today!

     Come on boys, come on girls
     In this crazy, crazy world,
     You're the diamonds, you're the pearls,
                  Dm            G
     Let's make a new tomorrow.

     Come on girls, come on boys,
     It's your future, it's your choice
     And your weapon is your voice,
                  Dm           G       C
     Let's make a new tomorrow, today.

   O-oh, ooooh, o-oh, ooooh.
   O-oh, ooooh...
   Come on boys, o-oh, ooooh.
                Em7           F    G
   Let's make a new tomorrow. O-oh.

     Come on boys, come on girls
     In this crazy, crazy world,
     You're the diamonds, you're the pearls,
                  Dm            G
     Let's make a new tomorrow.

     Come on girls, come on boys,
     It's your future, it's your choice
     And your weapon is your voice,
                  Dm           G   C
     Let's make a new tomorrow, today.

Посмотреть аппликатуры аккордов

C для гитары
Em7 для гитары
Am7 для гитары
F для гитары
Dm7 для гитары
G для гитары
Em для гитары
G7 для гитары
Dm для гитары


Аккорды к песне для тех, кто хочет аккомпанировать на гитаре максимально близко к оригинальному исполнению.

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Статистика Опубликовано 22.03.11
Просмотрено 46682 раза
Транспонировано 50017 раз

  1. Muzland
  2. A
  3. A Friend In London
  4. New tomorrow (гитара)
  1. Muzland
  2. Е
  3. Евровидение — конкурс песни
  4. New tomorrow (гитара)