Muzland - аккорды

Nadine Beiler
The Secret is Love



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© Cоставитель: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 121 удар в минуту

Lyrics by Nadine Beiler and Music by Thomas Rabitsch
Австрия / Евровидение 2011

When I close my eyes, I fall into a dream.
Can’t you see this world of people,
Live in peace?
The sun is shining in my heart,
Rainbows in the sky,
Spread your wings and fly, fly, fly high.

     We all are dreamers on our way
     In a world
     Where we’re not meant to stay,
     Together we can make it all,
     The secret is in you, it’s love!

When I smile inside my heart, I feel so free,
All the fears and doubts, they turn
Into believe.
I feel alright,
We’ll make it right now,
If we trust, trust, trust in love…

     We all are dreamers on our way
     In a world
     Where we’re not meant to stay,
     Together we can make it all,
     The secret is love!

     I’m reaching out my hand to you,
     Soldiers let the light shine through,
     So we can realize the wonder of life,
     Trust, love, life…

   So what more do we need,
   So what more will it take to see life,
   Just open your eyes!

     We all are dreamers on our way
     In a world
     Where we’re not meant to stay,
     Together we can make it all,
     The secret is love!

     I’m reaching out my hand to you,
     Soldiers, soldiers
     Let the light shine through
     (Let the light shine through),
     So we can realize the wonder of life,
     Trust, love, life…

     Spread your wings and fly,
     Trust, love…
     See… The secret is love…


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Статистика Опубликовано 22.03.11
Просмотрено 32613 раз
Транспонировано 44293 раза

  1. Muzland
  2. N
  3. Nadine Beiler
  4. The Secret is Love (текст)
  1. Muzland
  2. Е
  3. Евровидение — конкурс песни
  4. The Secret is Love (текст)