Muzland - аккорды

I’m About to Come Alive



Точный текст песни

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  • Автопрокрутка

© Cоставитель: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 136 ударов в минуту

Lyrics and Music by Pat Monahan, Scott Underwood, James Stafford
Charlie Colin, Robert Hotchkiss and Clint Bennett

I can hear you downstairs
Crying on the phone
Telling someone that I’m here
But you still feel all alone.
Maybe we were too young.
Goodbye, I’ve gotta go.
I can hear the baby waking up,
Got to get back to the life I know.

   I should have never believed you.
   Maybe I should just leave you.

     Maybe I’m not but you’re
     All I’ve got left to believe in.
     Don’t give up on me,
     I’m about to come alive.
     And I know that it’s been hard
     And it’s been a long time coming.
     Don’t give up on me,
     I’m about to come alive.

No one thought I was good enough
For you except for you.
Don’t let them be right
After all that we’ve been through.

   ‘Cause somewhere over that rainbow
   There’s a place for me. A place with you.

     Maybe I’m not but you’re
     All I’ve got left to believe in.
     Don’t give up on me,
     I’m about to come alive.
     And I know that it’s been hard
     And it’s been a long time coming.
     Don’t give up on me,
     I’m about to come alive.

In every frame upon our wall
Lies a face that’s seen it all.
Ups and downs and then more downs.
We helped each other off of the ground.

   No one knows what we’ve been through.
   Making it ain’t making it without you.

     Maybe I’m not but you’re
     All I’ve got left to believe in.
     Don’t give up on me,
     I’m about to come alive.
     And I know that it’s been hard
     And it’s been a long time coming.
     Don’t give up on me,
     I’m about to come alive.
     I’m about to come alive.
     Don’t give up on me,
     I’m about to come alive.
     Don’t give up on me,
     I’m about to come alive…

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Статистика Опубликовано 14.06.10
Просмотрено 31596 раз
Транспонировано 46440 раз
Train - ещё песни с аккордами
  1. Muzland
  2. T
  3. Train
  4. I’m About to Come Alive (текст)