Muzland - аккорды



Точный текст песни

    • Медленно
    • Средне
    • Быстро
  • Автопрокрутка

© Cоставитель: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 95 ударов в минуту

Lyrics by BrainStorm (Prāta Vētra) and Music by Māris Mihelsons

There was a lantern,
Hung on a tree,
So full of fear,
It could have been me.

Dream tangerine
Showed us a way -
I kissed a girl,
I remember this day.

     I remember the summers
     As we sing in the fall,
     Happy to be with you,
     Want to take you all,
     Sending love to the moon boy
     From the birds of our hands,
     Sending love to the moon boy
     From the marching band.

Could spirit come
With the queen of clouds?
Take this for a ride
On a magic bus.

Walkman and watchman -
They had a fight,
Walkman beat a watchman,
Now the bus takes flight.

     I remember the summers
     As we sing in the fall,
     Happy to be with you,
     Want to take you all,
     Sending love to the moon boy
     From the birds of our hands,
     Sending love to the moon boy
     From the marching band.


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Статистика Опубликовано 30.08.12
Просмотрено 35034 раза
Транспонировано 43330 раз
BrainStorm (Prāta Vētra) - ещё песни с аккордами
  1. Muzland
  2. B
  3. BrainStorm (Prāta Vētra)
  4. Lantern (текст)