Muzland - аккорды

Cornelia Jakobs
Hold Me Closer



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© Cоставитель: Антон Гавзов // шеф проекта (
± Темп (BPM): ♩ = 97 ударов в минуту

Lyrics and Music by Cornelia Jakobs, David Zandén, Isa Molin
Швеция / Евровидение 2022

No need to apologize,
‘Cause there’s nothing to regret.
Well, this is not what I wanted,
Guess all the good things
Come to an end.

So baby, bye, bye,
Wish you the best,
But most of all I wish
That I could love you less.
Well, maybe you’re right,
I’ll find someone else.
You say it isn’t me,
But when did that ever help?

     Hold me closer,
     Although you’ll leave
     Before the sunrise
     Might be bleeding,
     But don’t you mind, I’ll be fine.

     Oh, it kills me,
     I found the right one
     At the wrong time,
     But until the sunrise
     Hold tight, hold tight.

Maybe it happened to fast,
I guess that I understand.
You say that you’ve never felt
This way for anyone,
And that’s why it scares you to death.

So baby, bye, bye,
Know it’s for the best,
Still I can’t see how that
Would ease the pain in my chest.

     Hold me closer,
     Although you’ll leave
     Before the sunrise,
     I’ll be bleeding,
     But don’t you mind, I’ll be fine.

     Oh, it kills me,
     I found the right one
     At the wrong time,
     But until the sunrise
     Could you just hold me tight?

     I know, I have to let go,
     But just give me the night.

   ‘Cause tomorrow will hurt,
   Hurt really bad,
   ‘Cause I’m about to lose
   The best I ever had.

     Hold me closer,
     Although you’ll leave
     Before the sunrise,
     I’ll be bleeding,
     But don’t you mind, I’ll be fine.

     Oh, it kills me,
     I found the right one
     At the wrong time,
     But until the sunrise
     Could you just hold me tight?

     I know, I have to let go,
     But just give me the night.
     Can’t you see that you found
     The right one at the wrong time.
     It was just the wrong time,
     Hold tight, hold tight.

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Статистика Опубликовано 29.04.22
Просмотрено 11375 раз
Транспонировано 19799 раз

  1. Muzland
  2. C
  3. Cornelia Jakobs
  4. Hold Me Closer (текст)
  1. Muzland
  2. Е
  3. Евровидение — конкурс песни
  4. Hold Me Closer (текст)